The European Buddhist Union is a network of Buddhist organisations and national Buddhist unions in Europe. They are open to all schools and traditions of Buddhism in Europe wishing to unite on the basis of Buddhist teachings and work together in spiritual friendship and respect for diversity.
Sakyadhita France became member of the EBU in 2008 where it represents all the other branches of Sakyadhita in Europe and founded the EBU Committee “Buddhism and Women”. This committee was later converted to the “Network of Buddhist Women in Europe”.
This network consists of members of Sakyadhita in Europe, experts as well as delegates of the EBU who wish to work for equality between women and men.
The equality of women and men is an unalterable principle of the European and international legislation. Unfortunately we have to observe a big gap between the legislation and the experience of everyday life.
Gabriela Frey and Claudine Shinoda (Sakyadhita France) have contributed significantly that the EBU has been granted the participatory status in the Council of Europe on 29th of December 2008, in the frame of the Conference of over 320 INGOs (international non-governmental organisations).
Since then the EBU has been actively working in the conference of INGOs and especially in the committees of Human Rights and Education. In working groups subjects are worked on for example like interreligious dialogue, human rights & religions and of course also on equal rights of women.
Buddhism in Europe par Gabriela Frey