Donations and Contact:
If you like to know more about the work of Sakyadhita or donate to support one of our social projects, please contact:
Sakyadhita in Great Britain
- Ven. Tsultrim Tenzin Choesang
- Bache View, Whyle Ln
- Pudleston, Leominster
- Herefordshire HR6 0RQ, UK
- Tel.: +44 1568 750 082
- e-mail: choesang(at)
Sakyadhita in Germany
At the moment, Sakyadhita in Germany is represented by
- Gabriela Frey (President Sakyadhita France)
- Friedensallee 164
- D-63263 Neu-Isenburg
- Tel : (0)6102 702 715
- E-Mail: gabriela.frey(at)
Sakyadhita France
- Gabriela Frey (President Sakyadhita France)
- 71 Boulevard d’Anvers
- F-67000 Strasbourg
- Tel: 0033 609 77 29 85
- E-Mail: presidente(at)
Sakyadhita Spain
- Montse Castello (President Sakyadhita Spain)
- Barcelona, Spain
- E-Mail: sakyadhitaspain[at]
- official website
How to donate
SEPA bank transfer
- Recipient: Sakyadhita France
- IBAN: FR7610278010820002044390173
- purpose of use: (please indicate the intended use!)
If you have a PayPal account, you can donate by simply clicking the "faire un don" button.
Sakyadhita France is an association under local law in Alsace-Moselle (laws of 1908 and 1924), recognised as a non-profit-making association under Articles 200 and 238 bis of the CGI. Tax deductibility is possible in France under the texts in force.
If you would like a donation receipt for Germany, please send us an email. This is possible for some of the aid projects.