After the devastating earthquake in Nepal, financial help is urgently needed to relieve the distressed. Sakyadhita France wishes to take part in helping immediately as well as in long-term reconstruction and development programs. We wish to support especially aid projects providing help for women and children that are often the poorest of the poor. Please find here after a selection of aid projects that we recommend. You can donate directly to these organizations. If you wish to have a receipt for tax deduction in France, you can donate also to Sakyadhita France.
This NGO, founded in 1988 is helping women and children in Nepal who are victims of violence, abuse and poverty. They provide safe shelter homes, childcare centres, and is active in training of women in rural areas, micro-credits, legal assistance and scholarships for poor children etc.
London-based GP Dr. Jane Stephens founded this Association in 1999 in order to help saving the lives of mothers and babies in rural areas. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in South Asia with 1 in 2 people living in poverty. Only 5% of GDP is spent on health. Conditions facing women and children in Nepal are amongst the worst in the world.
This non-profit organization was founded by Matthieu Ricard in the year 2000 and provides health care, education, and social services for the under-served people of Nepal, India and Tibet.
The donations will help repairing the International Buddhist Academy (IBA).