Donations for social projects
If you wish to support any of the social projects listed here, you can donate directly to them.
We can offer tax deduction when you are paying your taxes in Germany or in France. For this please inform us per email about your donation.
In France please contact:
- Sakyadhita France
- c/o Gabriela Frey
- Friedensallee 164
- D–63263 Neu-Isenburg
- Tel. 0033 609 77 29 85
- e-mail: gabriela.frey(at)
- Banque: Crédit Mutuel
- Domiciliation: CCM Strasbourg Esplanade
- Code banque: 10278
- Code Guichet: 01082
- N° Compte: 00020443901 Clé: 73
- IBAN: FR7610278010820002044390173
In Germany please contact:
- Buddhistische Akademie Berlin Brandenburg
- c/o Gabriele Küstermann
- Ceciliengärten 23
- D-12159 Berlin
- Tel/Fax: 0049 30 85075461
- e-mail: g.kuestermann(at)
- Bank: Postbank Berlin
- BLZ: 10010010
- Konto-Nr. 640588-102
- IBAN: DE25 1001 0010 0640 5881 02
If you are not from Germany or France and you prefer to donate to a Bank account in Europe, please contact Sakyadhita France, Gabriela Frey per email: