Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women is pleased to announce the 10th Sakyadhita International Conference on Buddhist Women, to be held in Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia, from July 1 to 5, 2008.
The conference will be followed by a city tour (July 6) and a picnic at Manjusri Monastery (July 7). Optional tours to Erdene Zuu Monastery and the Buryat Republic (Russian Federation) will follow.
Sandy Boucher:
Women in American Buddhism, From Our History to Our Future
Wei-yi Cheng:
Women in Snow Hut: A Contemporary Pure Land Organization
Hema Goonatilake:
Sri Lankan Buddhist Nuns in Transition: From Religious Rights to Social Power
Hyangsoon Yi:
Modernity, Women, and Buddhism in Korea: Kim Iryop and Na Hyesok
Shobha Rani Dash:
The Future of Buddhist Monastic Women in Japan
Michelle Hannah:
Buddhism, Globalization and Cultural Diversity
Chan Park:
Living and Dying Well: Crosscultural Listening to the Ancient Korean Buddhist “Mind Conversion” Song
Mavis Fenn:
Buddhism and Multiculturalism
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel:
Feeling African, Being Buddha: An Exploration of Multiculturalism within Sangha
Tomomi Ito:
Questions of Ordination Legitimacy for Newly Ordained: Theravada Bhikkhuni in Thailand
Dhammacharini Karunamaya:
Breaking with Tradition and Issues of Legitimacy in FWBO
Bhikkhuni Pannavati:
The Issue of Legitimacy for American Buddhism and Its Nuns
Cristina Bonnet-Acosta:
Brave Daughters of the Buddha: The Feminisms of the Burmese Buddhist Nuns
Elles Lohuis and Tenzin Dechen:
Where Empowerment Takes Place: A Personal Story
Bhikkhuni Vijithananda:
A Light of Hope: Monastic Education in Sakyadhita Center, Sri Lanka
Syafaatun Almirzanah:
When East Meets West: Toward a New Matrix for Buddhist-Muslim Dialogue
Lenny Hidayat:
Buddhist Community Participation in Fostering the Cultural Heritage of Borobudur
Elise DeVido:
The Buddhist Youth/Family Association in Vietnam: Its History and Future Prospects
Dhammacharini Jnanasuri and Dhammacharini Tarahridaya:
Engaging the Younger Generation: Dalit Experiences
Bhiksuni Molini and Bhiksuni Dhammavijaya:
Engaging the Younger Generation in Nepal
Paula Arai:
Domestic Zen: Laywomen’s Household Practices in Contemporary Japan
Wookee Jhin:
Leadership Development and Networking of Lay Buddhists in Korea
Rong-Zhi Lin:
Laywomen in Buddhism and Their Future: The Example of Taiwan
K.T.S. Sarao:
Buddhism and Consumerism
Cecile van Hezik:
Greening the Monastery
Chuehmen Shih:
A Buddhist Approach to Soliciting Resources: The Case of Fo Guang Shan
Morny Joy:
Human Rights or Symbolic Status?
Anita Sharma:
Buddhism and Communism
Chao Hwei Shih:
The Inescapable Gender Order
Ashley (Map'ung) Pryor:
Gesturing toward Peace: The Gesture of Women's Silence in Contemporary Anti-War Protest Movements
Bhikkhuni Dhammananda:
Metta Bhavana: The Art of Nobler Living
Akemi Iwamoto:
The Bodhisattva Path of Meditation Practice and Gender in India
Jayanta (Shirley Johannesen):
Mindfulness Meditation: Mind and Body in Transition
Sharn Rocco:
Teaching Meditation to Catholic Children
Rosanne Freese:
I Left Home to Manage a Temple and Raise Money?! The Eightfold Path of Leading People and Setting Goals to Strengthen Your Community
Beatrice Jutta Gassner:
Sitting in Council
Yu-ling Chen:
Taichi Treasures
Sandy Boucher:
Dancing with Kwan Yin
Carol Newhouse:
Buddhism, Gender, and Social Change
Program as of February, 2008. Subject to change.